Github Finder

Year Created 2022
Programming Languages HTML&CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Git-Hub(API), Node.js
Service FrontEnd
Project Goal

Objective: To create a GitHub Finder web application that allows users to search for GitHub profiles and view user information.

Functionality: Retrieve user profile information from the GitHub API by providing a username as input.

Tech Stack: Bootstrap, JavaScript, HTML, CSS3, Node.js.


User-Friendly: Provides a simple and intuitive interface to search for GitHub user profiles.

Fast Retrieval: Utilizes asynchronous functions and the fetch API to quickly fetch and display user information.

Interactive: Offers dynamic content using JavaScript to enhance the user experience.


Functional GitHub Finder: A working web application that allows users to search for GitHub profiles and view user information.

Learning Experience: Enhanced understanding of Bootstrap, JavaScript, CSS3, Node.js, and API integration.

Potential for Expansion: Opportunity to add more features like user repositories, organization details, etc., for future iterations.


API Integration: Ensuring smooth integration with the GitHub API.

Error Handling: Implementing error handling for failed API requests or invalid user inputs.